Monday, September 12, 2011

Sad Day...

Since Mom will soon be moving to Costa Rica in the next few days, she and Wendy spent Wednesday, August 3rd with us. I'm not sure Wendy realizes what's about to happen because she once asked Mom why I was crying. I can't believe that I finally moved back "home" and she immediately moved away. I had big plans of us meeting for lunch each week and taking the kids to her house so she could see them more often and now she will only see them maybe once or twice each year. I've been through many emotions since she moved but I've finally come to terms with her not being here (sort of). I spent many days crying when the kids napped or crying myself to sleep at night and I went through a mad stage of simply not caring what was going on over there in Costa Rica. Beck and Kinsey are the epitome of this song, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray..." and they do make me laugh every day. I told Mom that I'm tired of dwelling on this and I'm ready to move on and live my life with my little family. We will make many memories and she will be able to keep up with every thing we do via my blog. I will always long for her to be here with us and I will keep her in my prayers for her safety. It will be a while before we can go over there for a visit since we need to purchase four passports and three flights (that is until Miss K turns two in June then it will be four flights)!!! Yikes, that's a lot of money! A friend of mine made a suggestion which I would be cheaper to buy a flight for her to come here! I think that's a great idea! This will be the last time we spend time together for a long time...
mom visit

Please excuse me for the way I look...crying does not do me justice!
mom visit1

It was fun watching Mom help Beck put a Transformer together that she had bought for him...
mom visit2

There's a song that I often refer to because the message really hits home sometimes and it's "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney. Not only does Kenny have an amazing voice but his songs are often so sweet. I want to cherish every moment I can with my kids because you never know when my day will end which is why this blog is so important to me. I want Beck and Kinsey to remember all of the things we did.
mom visit3

We all love you, miss you dearly and hope to see you soon!

mom visit4

mom visit5

mom visit6

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