Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday Night Family Fun Night

On Friday, September 2, we ate dinner at Ryan's and I usually steer clear from all-you-can-eat buffets but I was eager to check out this place and I was surprisingly satisfied. It was especially nice for the kids because I let them try all kinds of food...well, I'm mainly referring to Kinsey since Beck is our VERY picky eater. Oh how I miss the days of him eating whatever we put in front of him but we did manage to fill his little belly so that made mommy very happy. Shrimp was the featured item at Ryan's and boy did they have a selection...fried shrimp, coconut shrimp, shrimp gumbo, popcorn shrimp, etc. I was in heaven!!! I wish I had taken a picture of my plate filled with shrimp but the only picture I captured was this one...I made a bad decision of letting Beck eat jello in the car seat! He made the biggest and stickiest mess! Brent was not happy with me (smile).
petting store

After dinner, we went to our favorite place in Longview...Wet Pets and Critters! This place is like a petting zoo and I love it because the kids have so much fun while we are there. They have lots of interesting animals and I overheard the young girl working there that the white macaw is only 4 months, just a baby! Brent didn't hear her talk about the bird and he told me the bird must be old because it was clumsy after he had played with it. It was clumsy because it was so young.
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Kinsey loves, loves, loves dogs!!! I can't emphasize the excitement she expresses when she hears a dog bark. I'd love to get one because she loves them so much but I really don't want dog hair in the house. I'm hoping that when we get our own house that we can get an outside dog.
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Beck and I were looking at the tarantulas in little plastic boxes stacked on top of each other. I happened to look away and focus on something else when Brent yelled at me from across the store telling me that Beck had knocked over one of the boxes! Oh my goodness, my heart began to race because I thought the tarantula was loose! Luckily, the lid did not pop off and the tarantula was still in the box. Whew!
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This bunny was in for a treat tonight! Beck and Kinsey were so sweet to this soft little bunny. Kinsey even used the one finger approach but the best part was when we asked them to give the bunny a kiss. Beck gave the bunny a gentle peck on the nose then Kinsey went in for the wide, open-mouth kiss!!! I am so glad I captured this picture! Brent and I laughed so hard when she did this...she even had her eyes closed!
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The most interesting creature in this store was the giant lizard in this giant case towards the back of the store where the cats are located. It was so new that there wasn't a sign to tell us what it was or how much it cost. We need to go back and check it out again!

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