Sunday, September 18, 2011


After eating dinner, we headed to Longview so Brent could watch the kids play with the animals at Wet Pets and Critters. The dragons they have are so cool looking and the snake was slithering around the cage...ewww!
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Beck thought the hairless rats were hippos!
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Mice, bunny and a hamster with babies nursing...
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Kinsey always goes nuts when she sees dogs!
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Lots of little turtles, lots of fish and a pretty bird...
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Meet our new pet...Nemo! What's interesting is that I had asked lots of questions about the Betta fish when I was there the night before with Wendy. One reason is because Wendy thought she might want a fish for her room and the other reason is because I was contemplating getting a pet for Beck and Kinsey but nothing with hair...not ready for that right now. Brent suggested we get a fish and that's when I told him I was thinking the same thing! Great minds think alike!
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Beck loves his new fish!
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We came home and Beck was so excited to get the fish tank ready for his new buddy...However, after we got it ready, Brent noticed a big crack which meant the tank would leak water! Urghh! So, we have to go back and get a new tank which means Nemo will have to live in the cup one more day. Kiki stopped by to meet Beck's pet that he picked out and she got to enjoy a cupcake (more about that below).
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Luckily, we did get a new tank because he would have blended in with the original tank since he has a purple hue.
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Brent pretending to be exhausted...although, I'm sure he was a bit tired especially since he drove two hours today.
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This is the evening we enjoyed the cupcakes from la cabane de dessert...Beck loved licking the icing!

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b eat cupcake

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