Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Brian's 20-Year High School Reunion

Brian volunteered to dj at his class reunion and he told Brent and I that we should come so we can see him in action.  I asked a few other girls if it would be weird if we were there and they insisted that we come...I was so excited to get out and socialize with adults without kids!  Plus, I knew Beck and Kinsey would have a blast playing with Ava, Lola and Otto.
Brian's Reunion

The girls did a fantastic job decorating the memorabilia table and dinner was catered by a local bbq restaurant.
Brian's Reunion1

Kiki gave me her camera and asked me to take pictures of every body and I sure enjoyed being the photographer.
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Let the dancing begin!!!  Tiffany's kids and her nieces really enjoyed Brian's music!  In fact, Melat (Tiffany's youngest daughter) asked if Brian could dj her birthday party.
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Denny and Jaime crashed the party too!  He-he!
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Brian's main goal tonight was to see the Electric Slide while Erotic City was playing and it happened!  And, it was so much fun!  I. Love. To. Dance!!! (By the way, I'm hiding behind Rachel Floyd.)
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Group picture that I took from upstairs but I'm pretty sure a few people were missing.  This is also the night of the barn dance and some classmates left early to see more friends since Yamboree is the time when every body comes back to Gilmer and it becomes one big reunion.  Thanks for the great tunes Brian!  Thanks for baby-sitting Kiki and Pops!  It was a lot of fun!
Brian's Reunion9

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