Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aunt Wendy's Visit


On Tuesday afternoon, we picked up Aunt Wendy and we all hung out with Neena.  Stephen is still in Costa Rica but he should be back in a couple of weeks.  She made chicken spaghetti and crescent rolls; I made fried chicken tenders and macaroni for dinner then the kids put on a show.  Beck and Kinsey loaded up their back-packs with toys that they wanted to take to Neena's house.  One of the toys was a microphone that they got for Christmas and Beck sang a few songs which was really cute.  Neena loves to hear him sing!

On Wednesday afternoon, we went to the city park to hit a few baseballs with Beck's new tee and he was cracking me up!  I loved it when he ran up to the tee to hit the ball super hard.  Wendy and Kinsey helped collect the balls while I recorded a few videos of our future baseball star.
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I used an app to doctor up this picture...
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Beck did a magic show on this sign and asked us to say, "Abracadabra" then the rocks he had placed on this sign magically disappeared.
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I love cuddling with my kids!
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Luckily, a boy from Beck's school was there with his sister so the kids had a blast playing at the park!

Another large branch fell from the large tree in the back yard.  Yikes!  So glad it didn't land on the kids toys or the house!
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On Thursday afternoon, we went to story time and the kids made a fall leaf.
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I try to fix Beck's hair but it doesn't stay styled for very long.  Plus, it's almost time to get another hair cut!
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Wendy watched Kinsey on Friday during lunch time because I had a grueling one-hour deposition at Aunt Karen's office with two counselors.  Urghh!  I really, really hope I never have to do that again.  We took Aunt Wendy home then met Daddy for dinner.  Beck was begging us to buy him a toy so we stopped by a store near the restaurant and he picked out two little Transformer toys.  Kinsey got a little dress up accessory set which included earrings, three bracelets, a tiara and some fancy shoes which she absolutely loves! 
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