Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hair, Feet and Skeleton


I got my hair cut and colored on Tuesday morning and Kinsey had to join.  Brent was so worried that she would not be able to handle being at the salon for that long but she was such a good girl.  In fact, Amanda said Kinsey was so good that she could come back anytime.  Way to go Kinsey Girl!  Anyway, I'm still letting my hair grow out and I love the color that Amanda used on my hair.  At least for now, I'm sure I'll want something different on my next visit.  And, getting treated today is perfect timing because now I'm ready for Relief Society tonight.  We were asked to bring a finger food and craft items if we wanted to make something but I opted to just hang out and visit.
2nd week in October

Wednesday ended up being a hang out day for me and the kids...Kinsey played outside while Beck was in school and this girl ALWAYS takes off her shoes and walks around barefoot.  You have no idea how much that drives me crazy.  So, I've got one kid (Beck) that always wears socks and/or shoes and then I've got the other kid (Kinsey) that loves to go barefoot.  It's so funny how our kids can be so different.  On a side note, I LOVE Kinsey's hair!  The color is so pretty and her curls are simply to-die-for!  I wish her hair could stay like this forever but I know it will change.
2nd week in October1

After we picked up Beck from school, I put Kinsey down for a nap and showed Beck the floor plan that we are considering using for our near-future home because we got pre-approved today.  Yeah!  I'm so excited but also so nervous.  The money scares me and picking out things scares me because I know I have my ideas and I know Brent has his ideas.  But, he did tell me that he's going to be pretty laid back about it so we'll see how many fights we have over building this house.  Anyway, after showing Beck the floor plan, he showed me his bedroom, Kinsey's bedroom and Daddy's bedroom which was really funny because he pretty much got it all right.
2nd week in October2

After Kinsey woke up, we went outside to get the mail and noticed our skeleton had fallen.  This is the skeleton that I bought last year at Canton Trades Days and Beck played with it so much that now it can barely stay together.  It has been holding on with duct tape thanks to Daddy!  Looks like we'll need more duct tape because Beck played with it again today.  He absolutely loves this thing!  He would also love more blow-ups but we'll have to wait until they go on sale.  I hope we can find a good one this year.  Brent actually bought a black blow-up cat when they went on sale last year but the blower was broken so we had to take it back. 
2nd week in October3

2nd week in October4

2nd week in October5

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