Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Will Be Reborn Today (part one)


Today is a big day for our family.  I'm getting baptized at 4pm by my husband and we are both a tad bit nervous.  Beck spent the night at Kiki's house last night to enjoy time with his cousins.  Brent and I enjoyed our time with Kinsey.  It was weird only having one kid in the house.  After ordering a part for my vehicle this morning, we headed to Kiki's house to spend time with the family.  This little girl enjoyed getting all of our attention!
Baptism Saturday

We started our morning with a ride on Pops brand new golf cart.  What a fun time we all had and I know these kids will always remember Uncle B taking them for a ride.
Baptism Saturday1

The first thing they wanted to do is check out the pond.  When we drove up on the dam that Brent had cleared out a couple of years ago, we noticed a giant tree branch that had fallen in the middle of our path.  Ironically, it was standing up and it looked like it had been growing there.  When I first saw it, I thought to myself, "how in the world did this tree grow so fast?"  Uncle B used his big muscles to move the branch off to the side.
Baptism Saturday2

Baptism Saturday3

Next stop...daffodils!  They all picked flowers for Kiki....so, so cute!
Baptism Saturday4

Baptism Saturday5

As you can gather from the photo below, it was a bit chilly this morning.  All of the kids wore thick coats and we covered them with a thick blanket to keep them warm.  They were so sad when we told them that we had to go in to defrost.
Baptism Saturday6

Baptism Saturday7
Now it's time to bless the food and eat some lunch.

As we waited for the Mask family to arrive from Dallas, I went to the house and got ready for family pictures.  It's been a while since we've all been together to do a big family picture and it's exciting to see our family grow.  All of the kids sat on the chairs so we jumped on the opportunity of them already posing for us.  Then, Pops and Kiki sat on the chairs and I think this is my favorite picture.
Baptism Saturday 2

Baptism Saturday 21

Baptism Saturday 26
Here are the two people that made it possible for us to be one big happy family...we love you Pops and Kiki!

Baptism Saturday 22
Jody, Jennifer, Noah, Damian and Taylor Mask

Baptism Saturday 23
Brian, Katherine, Ava, Lola and Otto Bishop

Baptism Saturday 24
Brent, Sheri, Beck and Kinsey Bishop

Baptism Saturday 25
Beck would not pose for this picture because the sun was hurting his eyes but I love this one because of Kinsey's arm wrapped around me. 

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Jeff, Jill and Marcus Bishop

Now it's time to head to the church for my baptism!!!


  1. Love the pics. You do such a great job blogging. Well worth all the work! Keep it up....


  2. Thank you for the sweet compliment and for putting up with my obsession of blogging our life! I am so blessed to have you in my life.
