Monday, March 25, 2013

Handsome and Fit


I usually take Beck to a place in Longview to get his hair cut but I got burned.  Let me explain...a lady that had no idea what she was doing gave him the worst hair cut ever!!!  I went back about a month later to get it fixed by the lady that we usually request and I had a conversation with the manager about what had happened.  He was very nice and said to always come back and they will make things right which they did by not charging me for this "fix" hair cut.  His birthday is right around the corner and I want him to get a really good hair cut so we went to the barber shop on the square.
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What do you think?  It's the best hair cut he's had in a long time!  Look at that handsome little boy that will be five years old very soon!  After I posted this picture on a couple of social media places, I saw a comment that I know Beck will enjoy reading when he's older from Kiki..."Aw, how cute!  He looks just like Pops at this same age!"

Then, we drove to Neena's house since we haven't seen her in a few weeks and I asked her to cook a meal for me.  Brent is working on the house pretty much every night this week so this is my little get away.  Neena made my favorite...chicken and dumplings!  I brought Beck and Kinsey's favorite meal, hamburger helper-double cheeseburger mac, and their trikes.  Kinsey fell off of hers going down Neena's driveway so that was the end of her ride.  Beck, on the other hand, rode his trike the entire time we walked around her neighborhood.  I was impressed!

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This is the biggest speed bump I've ever seen!

Beck and Kinsey are always trying to catch the ducks but the ducks always get away.
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Kinsey wanted me to ride in the double stroller with her and Neena pushed us.  Ha! 

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This is my view from the stroller.

We put Beck's trike in my vehicle and walked another lap around the neighborhood but we took a longer route this time.  This is something that my mom would do every night after dinner when I was a youngster.  We would walk up and down our super long driveway as a family and sometimes my dad would say, "I'll race you."  I would run as hard as I could and I'm pretty sure that I would end up falling down because I was so tall and lanky.  My ankles have never been the strongest part of my body.  Maybe mom's walks is what inspired me to always want to exercise.  She still loves to walk and I sure enjoy it too because that's when I can get her to open up and talk about stuff.
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Neena's new kitten, Bella, is so sweet and I hope she stays that way because the kids love her!  It was nice to visit with mom and I sure enjoyed the home cooked meal.

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