Sunday, January 13, 2013

They're Here!


I drove to Longview Thursday morning and the drive was so beautiful!  I wish the snow could stay forever but unfortunately the weather is getting warm today which means it will all melt away in a few hours.  Bummer!
Thursday After Christmas

I went to Wendy's workshop to pick her up but she went to the doctor this morning and they told me she has a very contagious bug (literally, a bug) and they were taking her back to her house.  She was so sad that she could not come with us but I am so grateful that they found this before she came to my house.  It would have been a nightmare!!!

Then, we met Aunt Vickie and Neena for lunch and my sweet aunt gave Kinsey a Dora Holiday Doll and Beck got a Transformer.  I would have went shopping with them after lunch but I knew we had a big night ahead of us and Kinsey needed a good nap so we went home.
Thursday After Christmas1

Thursday After Christmas2
We brought the baby swing to Kiki and Pops house for baby Taylor and Beck cracked us up acting like he could fit in it.  Silly boy!

Thursday After Christmas4
Aunt Katherine came in last night with the kids and we've enjoyed playing with them.  Uncle Brent is the Tickle Monster!

Thursday After Christmas5
The Mask family finally arrived at almost 10pm!  This is Brent's first time to meet baby Taylor.

Looking forward to spending lots of time with the family and making lots of memories.  We are opening Christmas gifts tomorrow!

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