Friday, March 16, 2012

Hair Cut and Fishing


Beck and I started this Saturday morning off very early...he woke up at 6:30 needing to use the bathroom then I gave him a little bit of milk in hopes of him going back to sleep. He fidgeted with his toy for 30 minutes and that's when I gave up. I got ready and took him to the barber shop on the square for a much needed hair cut. There were two barbers working and one informed me to have a seat and that the other barbers were coming some point. We waited for 30 minutes and I gave up again. We drove around trying to find another place to cut his hair but this small town doesn't start this early in the morning. I went to the Donut Shop but Beck told me he didn't want donuts and he mentioned getting juice. I have a problem buying juice when I have juice at home so we went back home and accomplished nothing. I whipped up some pancakes and sausage for breakfast. Brent and I came up with a new game plan...go to the storage unit to try and find my old Stars drill team scrapbook, get Beck's hair cut then go to Gilmer Lake. We were unsuccessful finding my scrapbook but we did find my Star of the Year award which is the very first one given out. It's nothing fancy...a piece of painted plywood. I'm certain the award is much fancier now and the girl chosen for this honor today also receives a scholarship!

Beck got a really good hair cut at the barber shop and we headed to Gilmer Lake Park to do some fishing off the pier. Beck started off trying to fish but quickly lost interest. He and Kinsey wanted to play with the bait (fake worms). A few were thrown in the water by the Kinsinator!

fishing at park

fishing at park1

fishing at park2

I took Kinsey to the swings and she always enjoys that...

wright family

Then, we all played in the sand...filling Beck's big dump truck with sand then adding water. Beck told us he was making soup for the raccoons and that they would be so happy! I love his imagination!

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