Sunday, March 2, 2014

Funky Friday


3rd Week of November20
Misty invited me, Stacie and Shannon to her house this morning to make Christmas wreaths using deco mesh.  I've been wanting to do this for the past couple of years so you can imagine how excited I am to finally do this for our new home.  Neena was recently taught how to make these so she showed me and I told the girls I would show them.  I bought a roll of the deco mesh two years ago and I'm almost positive I also bought the metal wreath but I can't find it so I am using this giant wreath that I've had for years.  (It's amazing the things you lose during a move!)  Because I am using a giant wreath, one roll of deco mesh is not enough!  And, my brain already started racing because I'm using white and I can only imagine the different shades of white out there.  How in the world am I going to match this deco mesh?  Misty thought hers was too transparent after applying the deco mesh so she took it off and double the mesh.  Stacie's looks really good (seen in the picture above) and Shannon's mother-in-law used hers above their fireplace.  I was the first one to leave because I had to head back to Beck's school for his Thanksgiving program.  Beck's two teachers always ask the moms to help with the party's and this time I was asked to bring one pound of ham or turkey and one dozen cookies. 

Neena was the first one at Beck's school so I told her to save me a spot.  Kiki and Brent were there and I was still on the road.  It had been raining all morning and I ended up hydroplaning, turned my wheel too much to straighten up the vehicle and ended up jumping a curb and hitting an electric pole.  I was one minute from Beck's school.  My adrenaline was at an all-time high!  I was next to a salon and two girls saw what happened and came over to check on us.  Luckily, Kinsey and I did not get hurt except I did jam my pointer into the dash or steering wheel and to this day (three months later) it still hurts.  Poor Kinsey was so scared but I quickly calmed her and let her sit in my lap while giving her big hugs.  Brent left Beck's school and he showed up right before the fire truck.  I could not open my door so we had to crawl out of the vehicle on the passengers side.  The tow truck took it to the mechanic that recently repaired a few things which was not cheap.  And, I had just got it inspected, got a new registration sticker and an oil change three days ago!  Not only am I crushed that I just had my very first accident but Brent and I missed Beck's Thanksgiving program.  I am so grateful that Kiki and Neena were there to watch him sing a song.  Fun Friday has turned into Funky Friday.
3rd Week of November21

My emotions finally caught up with me when I finally got to Beck's school and shed a few tears when Janna hugged me.  Everybody was so nice to make sure I was ok when I arrived.  Nobody told Beck about the wreck so he wouldn't be upset but that's the first thing Kinsey said when she saw him, "We were in a wreck!"  She said that to everybody.  I did get there right after they had finished eating and saw the gym decorated with all of their artwork.
3rd Week of November22

3rd Week of November23
Beck could not wait to show Kiki and Neena his classroom!  It was really cute to see his excitement.  Afterwards, we put the car seats in Neena's car and she took us to Chick-fil-a because Kinsey and I needed some lunch.  Apparently, Beck hardly ate his food at school because he also ate with us.  I was still so upset about what had happened that I could barely eat my food.  Then, Neena took us home and I was depressed the rest of the day.  I never want to drive in the rain again.  I will be Nervous Nelly the next time I have to drive in the rain.  The Tyler roads are not agreeing with me these days.  I got my very first Texas speeding ticket right after moving here and now my first wreck!  I've lived in Dallas the majority of my life and you would think these things would have happened there...not in little Tyler!

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