Sunday, March 23, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!


1st Week of December25
My cell phone takes terrible pictures at night but I still like to capture some special sleeping moments with Beck and Kinsey.  One time, I took a picture of Beck snuggled up to his stuffed animals which melted my heart.  They are sleeping buddies for now.  I wonder how long this will last?  Beck and Kinsey are almost completely opposites.  Beck will wear winter pj's all year; Kinsey will wear summer pj's when it's cold outside; Beck wants me to brush his teeth; Kinsey does not want me to brush her teeth; they both love the night light and they love picking out a book for me to read to them every night.

1st Week of December26
I forgot my phone last Tuesday so that's why I didn't post any pictures of Kinsey's dance class.  My mom didn't carry a cell phone and she survived but I was totally lost without my phone.  I felt so disconnected with the world.  What if Beck got sick at school but his teacher couldn't reach me because I didn't have my phone?  What if Brent needed me?  I met Dana for lunch and what if she had to cancel?  Many questions ran through my head but I worried for nothing.  Anyway, Kinsey's dance class went from eight to five girls.  Two girls quit because they really did not like to dance and our church friend, Eden, also quit.  The girls are working on a balloon routine for the recital in May and it is so stinkin' cute!
1st Week of December27

The Tyler parade was scheduled for last Thursday but there was talk of inclement weather so the Junior League rescheduled it for tonight.  It was really cold tonight so the kids watched the parade from the back of my vehicle.  Let me explain how we were able to get this awesome parking spot.  After Kinsey's dance class, we met Brent on the square and we found a parking lot that was perfect!  Brent took us home and my friend, Janna, picked up Beck at school and brought him to our house.  I've helped with her kids, Blake and Cash, before so that's why I didn't mind asking.  Plus, she was the one that told me how to get the perfect parking spot and she offered to help me with Beck.  
Tyler Parade 2013

Tyler Parade 20131
This is our first time to see Tyler's parade and I would rank it as OK.  I'm assuming that rescheduling the parade caused conflicts with some of the participants. We will have to do this again next year and see if it's better.  I hate to say it but Gilmer's Christmas parade was better just because of the fancy Ladies-in-Waiting floats.

Tyler Parade 20132
Check out this little bitty 18-wheeler.  It's so cute!

Tyler Parade 20133
A very bright light was shining on Santa which is why he looks ghostly but I did like how they decorated the fire truck.

Tyler Parade 20134
I'm not sure why the kids look so sad.

Tyler Parade 20135
Out of all the hats that I have, I ended up wearing Beck's because I was cold and he wanted to wear the hat that was attached to his jacket.

Tyler Parade 20137
After the parade, the mayor gave a speech then the Christmas tree lights were turned on.

Tyler Parade 20136
Then, we happened to be very close to Santa's house and didn't have to stand in line for very long.  Kinsey was too scared to tell Santa what she wanted but I did get this super cute picture of Beck and Santa.  He told Santa he wanted a Transformer.

Tyler Parade 20138

Tyler Parade 201310

Tyler Parade 20139
I got a free cup of hot chocolate from the Junior League, the kids got some cotton candy and we got corn dogs so I would say this has been a terrific Tuesday! 

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