Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy Thursday


Kinsey's dance class is meeting at a  photography studio on the square to get pictures (individual and group) in both costumes.  Turns out, the photographer is Ruel which is Samuel's dad from Beck's baseball team.  Now it all makes sense because I always saw him with a very impressive camera/lens at the baseball games.  Now I know that he is a big time photographer.  Anyway, Kinsey turns into a turtle and crawls into her shell whenever she is put in a new environment or around new people.  It takes her a while to warm up.  Luckily, she didn't fuss when I put the ballet costume on her and all of the girls look so adorable!
Dance Pictures

Dance Pictures1
This is her pouty, not-going-to-look-at-the-camera-face for the first costume.

She did not want Ruel to take her individual picture so we skipped it.  Ruel was kind enough to give me his fancy camera and let me try to get a picture of her without him around but it didn't work.  Then, we tried to take a group picture.  All of the girls did great except for Kinsey.   Ruel told me to hide behind the girls for the group shot so that Kinsey would stay and not run out of the picture.  I really hope he is able to crop me out.

Dance Pictures2
This is her favorite costume and she lit up like a Christmas tree when it was all over.
Dance Pictures3

Then, we drove to the Civic Center for one last dress rehearsal and Kiki was there to watch.  However, Kinsey would not get on the stage.  She kept crying and kept running off so she sat in the audience and we watched the other girls practice.  I even tried to bribe her by telling her I would buy a new doll if she would get up there and practice but it didn't work.  At the end of practice, I told Mrs. Staci that Kinsey is not dancing in the recital.  She talked me into at least trying so we'll see what happens.

Library, Bonnie, Shopping and Date
This is the cute craft the kids made at the library today.

Afterwards, we went to Bonnie's house to let the kids play.  They ended up eating hot dogs and we took them to DQ for some ice cream.  What a great way to end the day!  Friends and ice cream!
Library, Bonnie, Shopping and Date1

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