Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Did I Do?


This was a big day for me...I had to go to the post office to mail mom's Christmas card/gift, run a couple of errands which means getting the kids in and out of car seats at each stop then pack for our weekend trip to Plano. Whew! Am I ready for this? Not really but I'm going to make it work. I pretty much had the kids clothes ready to pack but I had to pack my stuff which takes forever! I had the perfect outfit picked out for the Krueger Christmas party but it only looks good with my new boots that I'm getting for Christmas and Brent won't let me wear them so then I had to resort to plan B which didn't work either. I finally decided on an outfit after pulling almost everything out of the closet! In the midst of all the chaos, Miss Kinsey decided she needed to play with my clothes. She opened my pajama drawer along with the drawer full of unmentionables and she pulled most of my clothes out but also put my pajama shorts and tops around her neck. She can make the biggest mess faster than I can clean it up! (Notice that she's also wearing a golf glove!)



As I was packing all of our stuff, I caught her in the closet opening up my jewelry box drawers and pulling out jewelry...jewelry was flying everywhere! Look at this innocent face...


Anyway, after working up a sweat, I got everything packed in the car and it is stuffed! We hit the road in time to make it to the doctors office for her 16-month check-up. Dr. Minsky was glad to see us and he said Kinsey is eating well based on her weight which is 24 lbs. 14 oz (this is without a diaper). She is off the chart for height and weight just like her big brother. She got two shots (third polio and first MMR) and did not cry when she got the first one but cried hard when she got the second one. Luckily, Dr. Minsky gave the kids a sucker before she got the shots and she quickly stopped crying once she discovered that she had a sucker in her hand.

We went to our Plano house, unloaded the car and headed to Leigh's house in McKinney to play with Natalie and Anderson. The kids had a lot of fun and I enjoyed catching up with an old friend.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds pretty exhausting...glad you guys got to hang out with Leigh and her kids while you were in Dallas. :-) I'm sure the kids had a great time.
