Yesterday, I went to the gym after taking Beck to school and this is what we saw around the pool. This white stuff should melt today.
There's a really nice/cool trail behind the gym and why I like this trail so much is because of the trees that provide shade and the wooden bridges that are so loud when bikers race across them. Anyway, Kinsey and I enjoyed walking across it today but I'm not so sure I would ride my bike on it but I can tell somebody did because I see bike tracks! Now that is crazy!
Today, we skipped MOPS so I could work out and then we went to story time at the Bullard library. It was about Dr. Seuss and the kids tried to guess words that rhymed with HAT then they made a hat which was cute but it didn't fit on Kinsey's head.
We met Shannon at church this afternoon and she helped me decorate the young women's board. I was asked by Tiffany to decorate it a few months ago and I could not think of what to do since I've never done anything like this before. It was at one of our young women meetings with the leaders that a light bulb went off. Tiffany said we are going to incorporate butterflies in our stuff this year. So, I envisioned a bazillion butterflies swarming to Jesus which represents our theme, "Come Unto Christ". What do you think about my creation? I'm so thankful that Shannon helped me because it would have taken me forever to get it done all by myself!
Then, her kids came over to play. Beck and Kinsey love Conner and Emma!
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