Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Lot of Firsts for Mommy


Dance, RS and park
I love dressing Kinsey for dance class!  This is last year's costume from the end of the year recital.

I went to my very first Relief Society tonight and the theme is Who's Who?  We were asked to bring a few things in a bag to represent who we are or things we like.  I brought weights, my la Madeleine cookbook, my fancy Julia Childs cookbook (I love to cook but only quick and easy recipes so this cookbook is never used), a sequin scarf (I love fashion and things that sparkle!) and the latest blog book (I love to document everything about our family!).  After the ladies arranged our items on a table and numbered them, we were given a sheet and had to guess which items belonged to each person there.  I've talked to a few ladies but hardly know anybody so this was very interesting.  The fun part was when the ladies got up to talk about their items.  I discovered one lady that loves the same things I do so I'm looking forward to getting to know her (Dana).  Then, we ate these precious cupcakes.  It was a fun evening!
Dance, RS and park1

I took the kids to the park Wednesday afternoon and we had fun.
Dance, RS and park2

Dance, RS and park3

Dance, RS and park4

Dance, RS and park5

Dance, RS and park6

On Thursday, I went to my very first MOPS meeting and a lot of Rules of the Road and what to expect was covered today.  Kinsey was not happy when I left her in the 3-4 year old child care room but she was a happy camper when I picked her up.  I am assigned to the yellow table and our table leader is Lindsey.  We also have a table mom (all of these ladies are empty nesters) but I can't remember her name.  Our next meeting is in two weeks and we were asked to write a question on an index card for all of the table moms to answer.  I just realized that I need to get a picture of the ladies at my table. 

1 comment:

  1. I love kinsey's mini skirt at the part with tennis shoes. Cute Cute....BB
