Sunday, September 16, 2012

Shark and Waves!


We got an early start on this Thursday morning and drove to the Gulf State Park Pier in hopes of seeing lots of big fish.
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Not nearly as many fisherman as we've seen in the past and the pelicans were trying to steal the bait from the fisherman.  Now that was pretty wild to see!
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This little boy was so sweet to us and loved showing us the fish that he and his family had caught.  Beck and Kinsey loved seeing his fish and didn't want to leave the cooler.
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After waiting a few minutes, this youngster was the only person we saw catch a fish.  He also let us in on a little secret that a 6' shark was swimming around and we actually saw it! That was very cool!
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We went back to our condo and hit the beach.  Daddy quickly started working on a big hole for the kids to play in and it quickly filled with ocean water.
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The waves are still in full swing and I love it!
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Kinsey wasn't into the ocean today...
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In the picture below, I want you to notice what Beck did to his truck and also notice the white metal spiral stakes that we used to hold down the canopy...I'll tell you a story about these two things later.
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It's good to give the kids a project and this project was funny for Mommy to watch and that's pouring water on Daddy!
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This is our third full day here and the kids have decided that the best and most fun thing to do is jump the waves but only Daddy can do it.  For some reason, it wasn't as fun when Mommy did it but that's ok because I was able to catch some really cool pictures.
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We are planning on doing the traditional dress-up family beach picture tomorrow night but I also wanted a casual family beach picture and a sweet lady strolling the beach happily obliged us.
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