Saturday, January 24, 2015

Happy 9-Year Anniversary!!!


We went to the Verizon store today because it is time for an upgrade. (I'm eligible for a new phone every two years.)  I discovered a new version of the iPhone will be released later this year so the big question I wait about six months for the new version or go ahead and get a new phone of the current version?  Since I already have a crack on the screen, I decided to go ahead and get a phone now.  I hope I don't regret this decision!  I doubt I will though because I'm not a big fan of technology.  I'm documenting this because I want everybody to know how I feel about technology.  Are you ready?  Ok, here it goes...Technology is damaging and will destroy many families.  When I was a child, we only watched the tv at night after all of the work around the house was complete and there was a lot since we had many acres of land.  Anyway, I see people at restaurants staring at their phone which is a missed opportunity to have conversations with your kids or wife.  It breaks my heart to see the lack of communication.  My aunt collected phones during the holidays so the family could spend quality time together and I applaud her for taking a stand on this issue but I can assure you that her grandkids were not excited at all.  Please take my advice and use your technology wisely.  Anyway, Beck and Kinsey had an absolute blast in the store checking out all of the phones on display!
First Weekend of May_201413

First Weekend of May_201414
Happy nine years to us!!!  This is the cake I baked for our anniversary.  I'm looking forward to many, many more years!!!

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