Thursday, February 16, 2012

Catching Up!


I took a break from blogging to gather my thoughts and reflect on life and now I'm ready to get back to blogging! I've got some catching up to do...

I suggested that Brent spend the morning with Beck while Kinsey and I go to the grocery store. They went to Home Depot to build a Valentine's box then stopped by Pop's dental office to chat. While visiting with Pops, they got on the subject of cleaning teeth and Beck got his teeth cleaned!!! I am totally bummed that I was not there to see this momentous moment but it might be for the best because he might have acted differently if mommy was there. I'm even more bummed that this is his very first time to get his teeth cleaned and I have no pictures!!!

Kinsey is growing like a week and developing a personality and she loves to be outside (reminds me of my days when I was a little girl)...

K outside1

K outside2

K outside3

K outside4

K outside5

The picture below will be the last picture of Buttercup, our wild cat that we fed to keep the mice away. After the Bishop birthday celebration in Dallas (blog about that coming soon), we returned home to find Buttercup in really bad shape and I had a bad feeling about his health. He would sleep under the big bush near the patio all day long and come to the door when he was hungry. Beck and Kinsey loved seeing him but unfortunately we were unable to tame him and they never got to pet him. RIP Buttercup.

K outside

The kids love to take the cushions off the couch and jump up and down but on this particular day, Beck was jumping from the cushion on the floor to the ottoman. He asked me to take pictures of him jumping. (Smile!)

becks pics

becks pics1

Then, he wanted to take pictures and he mostly took pictures of random things such as the tv, his toy but I love these pictures...

becks pics2

becks pics3

When it gets quiet, I get nervous! I got this feeling and went searching for Kinsey and this is what I found...she put the baby stroller in front of the bathroom sink then stood in it so she could play in the sink! Oh my goodness, this girl is a handful!
becks pics4

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