Monday, June 20, 2011

Over-Night Visitor

Uncle Jody brought Noah over to our house so that he and Aunt Gee Gee could go on a date. This was Noah's first time to spend the night with us and we had so much fun!

We always have to compare height with all of the cousins...(what's funny is I remember doing this with my cousins when I was much, much younger.)

Noah's Visit2

Beck and Noah enjoyed playing with the GeoTrax...

Noah's Visit1

and Kinsey enjoyed hanging out in Daddy's lap...

Noah's Visit

Then, we went outside and let the boys play on the swing set...they both enjoyed going really high on the teeter totter!

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Kinsey got a workout by walking in her walker in the ally and trying to keep up with the boys.

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Beck filled his bucket with sand and carried it down the was really heavy and he was struggling trying to keep up with Noah but he did a great job! Noah pushed the roller coaster car and the lawn mower down the ally.

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Then, we decided to hang out by the pool and the boys wanted to sit in the boat house...

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Both boys had an absolute blast playing with the water guns...especially Daddy!!! They were so wet that I ended up washing their clothes that night.

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To end the night, we put them in the bath tub and it was funny to see them play. Noah splashed Beck and Beck didn't like it but he quickly learned to splash back! We turned on the jets to make lots of bubbles.

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The boys ended the evening playing with the GeoTrax trains then they both crashed when it was time to go to bed. We really enjoyed having Noah over and can't wait to do it again!

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