Monday, May 10, 2010


"Five years ago today I held your hand on the island of St. Thomas and said "I do" to the most beautiful, kind hearted person a guy could ever ask for! Thank you for choosing me and standing beside me through the years. I love you very much and Happy Anniversary!" - Brent

Being 8-months pregnant, we couldn't do much for our five year anniversary so we celebrated our anniversary by meeting for lunch at Olive Garden (thanks Mom for the gift card!) and then we saw Iron Man 2 Saturday night (thanks Jeff, Jill and Marcus for watching Beck!). We love the action type of movies...In fact, we saw XXX starring Vin Diesel (2002) on our very first date!

This is the beautiful necklace that Brent had made for me in honor of our five year marriage and for Mother's has all of our names in the heart.
I had a sign made and we hung it in our entrance...We love it!
I'm looking forward to seeing what the next five years brings us!!! I love you very much Brent Bishop!

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet anniversary/mothers day :)

    where'd you find that sign? i LOVE it!!!!
