Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Freddy, Mine!!!

The little machine that cleans the bottom of the pool is known as, "Freddy" at our house and Brent explained to me why he's called that...When he was younger, he and his siblings loved to watch horror movies and Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street was a very scary character that always jumped out and scared you to death! His fingers were made of knives which resembles the tail on the pool sweep. So, he and his siblings decided to call the pool sweep, "Freddy" because he could sneak up on you while you are in the water and Get YOU! Or, sometimes, he pops out of the water and his tail will fling water at you.

Beck seems to think Freddy is his toy and always wants to play with it or get it out of the water. If we are near the pool, we can count on Beck to point to Freddy and say, "Mine!" On this particular evening, Beck was having a blast with Freddy's tail. But, before he started playing with Freddy, Beck wanted my camera so he charged at me with chocolate on his face and notice his fingers are crossed. Also, the broom is on the ground because Beck was using it to clean the pool!
This is Beck pointing at Freddy saying, "Mine!"

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