Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Visit with Aunt Wendy

After the Easter egg hunt, we took a road trip to visit Aunt Wendy. Unfortunatley, I can't go into too much detail for fear of our horrible cousin finding her but I can say we had a great visit. I'm so proud of Wendy! She now has friends, a job and basically a life of her very own. She was once a slave to my cousin but not anymore! She goes out to eat, goes to movies, goes shopping and is very involved with church. I want Beck and Kinsey to know that Wendy's heart is as big as Texas and she would do anything for you. She loves both of you VERY much! Please take care of her if anything should happen to me.


I was touched when I found out that she bought Beck an Easter basket and Beck LOVED it! It had four sticks of chalk, bubbles, two paddles with a suction cup ball and candy. He immediately wanted to start drawing with the chalk.



Beck found a black raspberry plant and wanted to taste it. He picked the berry, he took a bite then quickly started spitting it out! I was cracking up!


Brent spent probably 30 minutes working on Wendy's tv and he was able to save about 13 channels on her tv which is better than not being able to watch her tv at all. She was so happy.

We love you Aunt Wendy bunches and bunches!!!

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