Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kinsey 10-Months Old & Beck's 3-Year Check-up

I took the kids to the doctor on Friday morning and Brent stayed at the house with Casey. I talked to Beck about Dr. Minsky checking his ears but never mentioned that he would get a shot. Beck was such a good boy...he stood on the scale to get weighed, he stood against the wall so the nurse could measure his height, he even let the nurse take his blood pressure. Dr. Minsky checked his ears, his mouth and bent his legs (not sure what that was about) and Beck was so excited to get stickers because he knew he had been a good boy. He waited patiently for Kinsey to get checked out then it was time to get shots. I asked Gail would it be better to start with the most difficult one and she asked which would cry the most and I quickly responded, "Beck because he has no idea what's about to happen." So, we started with Kinsey and she got one shot. She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. This is when my heart started racing and I'm sure my neck was splotchy because I dreaded telling Beck that he was about to get a shot. Not a typical shot but the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) which burns a little so that raised my anxiety to another level! With Kinsey on one hip, I grabbed Beck with my free hand and Gail also grabbed him and we both lifted him onto the table. Beck was fighting us with every bit of strength he had and ended up hitting Gail in the face with his arm. I apologized to her as soon as it happened. I felt terrible!!! In hind sight, maybe I should have prepared Beck for the shot but I'm not sure if it would have made a difference. She quickly gave him the shot and he cried so hard but stopped as soon as he found out that he was getting stickers AND a sucker! Gail took Beck behind the front desk and gave him the one sucker that he does not like...chocolate! We unwrapped the sucker in the car and he realized that it was chocolate. He tried it but gave it to me before we left the parking lot. Looks like I need to carry suckers around for the next time I need one. I'm so glad this is over with and I'm not looking forward to doing this again next year.

Before we took Kinsey's picture in her crib, Beck told us he wanted to wear Kinsey's bow. Ha!

Then, he wanted to sit in the crib with her! She loves him and he loves her! They are so cute together!

Kinsey's Stats:

Height: 30 1/4" (+95%)

Weight: 21 lbs 10.5 oz (75-90%)

Head: 18 1/4" (+95%)

Beck's Stats:

Height: 41" (+95%)

Weight: 40.9 lbs (+95%)

Blood Pressure: 88/52 (normal)

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