Monday, October 25, 2010

Polar Bear

Brent will read a book to Beck every night before going to bed and one particular book called, "Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear" has been Beck's favorite lately. He's probably heard the story a handful of times and one day we heard him recite the entire book!!! We were floored that he remembered it word for word. We get such joy watching him learn new things. It is fascinating to us to tell Beck something and he'll repeat it the next day. We are proud parents and think he's super smart!

These are the books on my night stand for Beck to choose from each night.

You are probably wondering why they are on my night stand versus the book shelf in his room and that's because Beck thinks his bed is OUR bed! I am the most sleep deprived person in this house so I'm not ready to tackle this just yet. Once I get Kinsey sleeping all night then maybe I'll start making Beck sleep in his own bed since I'm use to interrupted sleep anyway. Brent suffers from sleep apnea so he already doesn't get enough sleep. Plus, he snores so loud that he would never hear Beck cry in the middle of the night.

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