Monday, March 8, 2010

24 Weeks

Well, the belly bump is really out there now! Todd, my boss, said he's going to start calling me Bob (big ole belly). It does get in the way at times...
Dr. Nivens said the measurement of my belly is right on, my weight is good and Kinsey's heart rate was great this time. Yeah!!! Little Kinsey moves around A LOT!!! She sometimes wakes me up during the night...I think she might be a dancer like her mommy! She practicing doing high kicks.

We've had a lot going on the past couple of game at church, helping Brian and Katherine move and going home to take care of Zeus so we haven't had time to do anything with the new guest bedroom. However, this weekend, Brent made tons of progress! Because the wall already had "some" texture on it, he had to float the walls, sand them down then spray texture on them. He worked so hard on it this weekend...he is super sore and has cuts all over his hands. The room is now ready for paint, move the guest bedroom furniture then we can paint Kinsey's room.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!!! Gosh - she'll be here before we know it :)
