Sunday, August 3, 2014

Back to the Routine


Spring Break is over and we are getting back into the routine of things.  Yesterday was St. Patty's Day but nothing eventful happened so it went by in the blink of an eye.

I took Kinsey to dance class this morning...
Tuesday After Spring Break

Tuesday After Spring Break1

Tuesday After Spring Break2

Tuesday After Spring Break3
Then, we met Neena and Aunt Vickie at Clear Springs for lunch.  It's always fun hanging out with these two sisters...they are a hoot!  After Beck got out of school, Neena and Aunt Vickie took the kids to our house so I could get a yearly check-up from Dr. ?  I can't remember her name and it's no big deal because I'll probably end up seeing somebody else next year anyway.  You see, I have the worst luck with doctors.  We were not happy with the doctor I had when I was pregnant with Beck so I found a great lady near our Plano house.  She delivered her baby one month before I had Kinsey so I knew all along that she would not deliver Kinsey but I was really happy with her and her partner.  Right before I moved, I got a letter from her saying that she was retiring.  Bummer!  So, I went to a doctor in Tyler after we moved to Gilmer and later in the year received a letter that she was moving to another office.  I went to her new office for my next yearly check-up and later received a letter that she was moving to another city!  I went back to that office sometime later after we had move to Bullard and the office was closed!  I know this sounds crazy!  Who has this much trouble finding a really good doctor and one that is reliable?  I've asked for recommendations but some are not taking new patients and the others are booked at least three months in advance!  I am the biggest procrastinator so trying to make an appointment that far in advance simply didn't happen this year so I had to go with whoever could see me at the last minute.  Ha!  However, my goal is to make an appointment as early as I possibly can this time!  Wish me luck getting an appointment and finding a doctor that will stick around.

Tuesday After Spring Break4
Beck and I had fun with my camera phone after I got home!

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