Sunday, November 26, 2017

Topsy Tuesday


Everybody showed up for dance class today.  Yeah!!!
MOPS, Canton, My Birthday20

MOPS, Canton, My Birthday21
(Anna, Kinsey, Ainsley, Blake, Maddy and Mikel)
MOPS, Canton, My Birthday22
By the way, the reason why I put warm clothes on Kinsey is because the dance studio is always so cold!

MOPS, Canton, My Birthday23
Mrs. Candy gave all of the girls a heart-shaped Hello Kitty container filled with candy.  She is an awesome dance teacher!

MOPS, Canton, My Birthday24
This is how I found Beck right before I started cooking dinner tonight.  It was very unusual for him to take a nap so I felt his head and he was burning up!  Oh no!!!  His temp was 103.2!  We just have to wait and see what happens next.  Our poor baby is sick. 

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