Saturday, October 13, 2012

Joey and Joanie's Baby Shower


My cousin Joey will soon be a daddy to Ava Grace and I was so excited to attend the baby shower held in Henderson on Saturday morning at 10am.  It was an early start to my day but that's ok...I didn't mind at all.  I got up at 7:30 and headed to Longview at 8:30 to meet my Aunt Vickie and her daughters (aka my cousins) Stacey and Crystal. It was fun riding with them!
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We were the first of our side of the family to arrive and we enjoyed drinking punch, ate a delicious pound cake drizzled with warm caramel and I put a dollop of whip cream on the side.
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Joey's soon to be wife, Joanie, has a lot of gifts to open! 
Joey's Baby Shower

I love this idea of filling a duck tub with stuff!
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Joey and Joanie received many cute gifts for Ava but the best and most wanted gift was the very last one that she opened which was Minnie Mouse!!!  I am so glad Kinsey was not with me because tears would have been shed when we left without Minnie Mouse!  My cousin, Christie, got Minnie at Costco...I was dying to ask how much it cost but didn't.
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This is a very sweet moment of both moms looking at the dress little Ava will wear home from the hospital.
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This is part of my family and I sure hate that my mom was not able to attend.  She was in Costa Rica trying to close on her house but unfortunately, it didn't happen.  And, my Aunt Shelia couldn't attend.  We all ate lunch and visited for a long time which was so nice!  I sure love my aunts and cousins!!!
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(Back Row: Aunt Trish, Christie; Seated: Aunt Vickie, Crystal, Stacey, Me and Salena)

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