Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mainly About Beck

Beck's school had a lot of fun things planned to celebrate 100 Days of School such as games in the gym, releasing 100 balloons in the sky, making a hat and a necklace that he ate once he got home from school and he made a robot out of 100 dot stickers.  Mrs. Mason also asked each kid to bring 100 edible items and they made a snack mix out of the items that were brought.  Beck brought 100 goldfish which I enjoyed helping him with this project.
Beck 2

If you give Beck a sucker, he will take two licks and then he's done with it.  Today, I gave him a ring pop and he ate the entire thing!  I was so impressed.  He stayed home from school today and we ate lunch at McDonald's then he and Kinsey played for a long time on the play ground.
Beck 21

Beck 22
The coolest kid in town!!!

Jumping on the trampoline seems to be an everyday thing with us and today, Beck jumped so much that he worked up a major sweat.  He loves to jump with Mommy!

Beck's boo-boo...He was standing on the dining room chair, slipped and fell on his wooden rocking chair. Ouch!

He told me that his shirt hurt his arm which is why he's eating dinner shirtless which never ever happens.  Beck is always dressed and always wears socks!

His favorite food is homemade mac n cheese and chicken nuggets that are baked not warmed up in the microwave.  He does not like chocolate and sprinkles so I usually bake sugar cookies as a treat for the kids.  He once told me that his toots make him laugh when he was sitting on the potty.  When we were at Tracy's house, Beck and Annalise were running around and Beck tripped, ran into the wall and started crying.  When I asked him what happened his response was, "the wall hurt me."  Beck is such a sweetheart!  He's so kind and has a tender heart.  I am so thankful for all of the time I get to spend with this little boy.

This is mainly about Beck but I have one really cute picture of Kinsey that I wanted to include of her hair with static electricity when we were on the trampoline.  This little feisty girl has no fear and is not afraid is fight Beck when he takes things from her.  She loves her brother and gives him lots of hugs and kisses.  She wants to do every thing he does which is really cute to watch. 
Beck 23

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