Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kinsey's First Dance Class


Our sweet little baby girl is about to take her very first dance class from Carla Harrison at Footlights.  Can you tell she's nervous?  It's written all over her face...
1st dance class for K

Carla told the girls to stand on a square and she walked them through a few moves such as tap your toe.  At first, Kinsey just stood there...
1st dance class for K1

Luckily, Kinsey got into it and started doing some of the moves.  I was very proud of her because she listened to the teacher, followed instructions and never ran over to me to hold her.  Unfortunately, this will probably be the only time I get to sit in class with her.  Carla said I could sit in class until she gets acclimated.
1st dance class for K2

1st dance class for K3

1st dance class for K4

Kinsey's age group is 2-3 years old on Monday's at 6:15-7:15pm.  They start with tap shoes then switch to ballet shoes.  At this point, Carla's helper showed up and she's one of the officers on the Stars drill team.
1st dance class for K5

1st dance class for K6

1st dance class for K7

1st dance class for K8

1st dance class for K9

At the end of class, all of the girls receive a sucker and it was so sweet to watch Kinsey wait patiently for hers.  She loved it and she is looking forward to going back.  Yes! 
1st dance class for K10

1 comment:

  1. Really precious! So happy to see her taking dance lessons. :-)
