Tuesday, August 28, 2012

End of Summer


This is the last week for a few kids in Beck's class as they will be moving on to kindergarten next week which is why this week's theme is 'End of Summer'.  Mrs. Mason has many fun activities planned for the kids this week and of course I was the stalker mom trying to capture the fun our little boy was having...trying is the operative word.  We are forced to go with another cable company due to the one we had closed.  Urgh!  I really hate that this business closed due to financial reasons but this is also going to be a financial burden on us.  We had to sign a two year contract with this new cable company and we don't plan on being here for two years which means we will have to pay a hefty penalty when we cancel and move.  Plus, the monthly service costs more too!  Really not happy about this whole deal!  Anyway, I asked Neena to come over so that somebody would be here when I took Beck to school and when I picked him up.  I found out that we were the second resident on the list which meant the cable man would not be here until after 9:30 at the earliest.  Neena arrived at 10am and I took off to Beck's school to see him play in the sprinklers but I was too late.  Boo!  All of the kids were putting on their shoes and wrapping towels around them.  I noticed that Mrs. Mason had a jambox so I guess they had music while they played in the water and I also saw a large beach ball.  I know they all had a blast...just wish I could have seen a few minutes of them playing in the water.  (By the way, the pictures are bad because I was so far away...remember, I had to be incognito!)
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This week turned out to be 'park week' for us.  We went to the city park one afternoon and there were almost 10 kids there!  Wow!  I've never seen that many kids play at this park.  I was super excited because I knew Beck would find a friend and have a good time which is exactly what happened...until, all of the parents decided to leave at the same time which was about 30 minutes after we arrived.  And, as I expected, Beck came up to me and said he was ready to go.  Kinsey was not ready to leave so I somehow managed to make him stay for another 30 minutes.  What shocked me on this trip to the park is that Beck never goes down the slide but today he did and he did it backwards!  I was shocked and impressed! 
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A few days later, we took a road trip to Longview and I decided to go to a park that we haven't been to in a long time.  I'm glad we went there because it gave Beck extra time to nap but nobody was there!  What a bummer!
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Beck really wanted to go to the Spring Hill park so we went there since this park was so dead and to my surprise...nobody was at this park!  What is going on?  Where is everybody?  This is the last week before school starts and you'd think that the kids would be taking advantage of playing as much as they possibly can.  Is the West Nile virus scaring everybody to stay inside?  Anyway, the kids played and had a really good time.
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Kinsey was really tired by the time we left...
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I love Beck's sunglasses but what I love the most is that he will wear them!  This is the first time in his life that he'll wear sunglasses.
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On Thursday, Beck's school had 'bubble day'.  Beck took his bubble bucket and we provided a giant bottle of bubbles in case any of the kids needed extra bubble stuff.  Again, this is a bad picture because I was across the street and had to zoom in.  It looked like a lot of fun!
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Friday was the biggest day of all...Mrs. Mason took the kids across the street and they had a bounce house, played lots of games then had a picnic under a big old tree.  I drove by two times but was afraid to stop and take a picture.  I didn't want Beck to see me and want to go home.  He enjoyed the picnic lunch that I packed for him which was a ham and cheese sandwich in the shape of a circle and Cheetos (his favorite meal!) plus, a bottle of strawberry juice. We are looking forward to meeting Beck's new classmates next week. 

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