Thursday, May 15, 2014

First MOPS Meeting this Semester


I am at the Blue table this semester and our Table Leader is Jodi (pregnant) and our Table Mom is Lisa.  The other girls at my table are Ashley (pregnant and best friends with Brent's cousin Mary G), Jackie, Nicki (pregnant) and Lauren (she just moved here from Ft. Worth).  Judy is still in charge of the devotional and her message today was wonderful.
Exodus 20:12 - Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.  Respect your parents!
Matthew 7:12 - Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that Men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.  This is the golden rule to follow!
I'm looking forward to getting to know the girls at my table and I hope to learn new things this semester.  I'm taking notes this time so be prepared.  Lol!

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Since our MOPS meeting ends at noon, Kinsey and I always grab a quick bite to eat so we have time to get in the car pool line to pick up Beck.

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This time, I got Beck a small ice cream cone and treated myself to a delicious peppermint mini blizzard.  I wish I had one right now!

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