Thursday, June 13, 2013

Library and Dentist


The library has started the summer reading program which means the kids can pick a toy for every two hours of me reading to them.  Kinsey got a purple cupcake necklace today and Beck picked out a yellow bear and a ball popper.
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I promised Beck that I would take him to the toy store so he could buy a toy with his tooth fairy money.  I put his tooth fairy money in his piggy bank but Beck thought putting his money in an 18-wheeler trailer was a better place so that's what he carried in the store.  The cashier was cracking up as he was removing each waded up dollar bill from this little trailer.  Beck is so proud of his new Switch and Go Dino!  He said he wished my car was a pterodactyl so that we could fly.  I told him that I wish my car was a pterodactyl too!
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This will be the last time I push Kinsey in this baby stroller around this neighborhood because it is getting way too hot for my 2.2 mile walk/jog.  Plus, the hills are fierce around here.  I was soaking wet by the time we got home for our 9am exercise.  Kinsey always asks to get out and walk but I make her wait until we are close to the house.  She is wearing the new ruby red shoes we found at a resale store recently.
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When we turn onto our street, I let the kids unbuckle because they love to roll down the window and stick their head out and let the wind blow their face.  This reminds me of so many childhood memories.  I never sat in a carseat because they didn't pass the law until I was around 10 years old.  Anyway, Beck and Kinsey know they can only do this by our house.
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Beck loves to draw and I love to take pictures of his drawings and text them to Daddy.  This is a cat with the tail up so it can potty.  Ha!  I love the way Beck thinks!
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Now that Beck has lost both loose teeth, it's time to get his teeth cleaned and he did such a great job!  Sandy was really sweet to both Beck and Kinsey and Kinsey enjoyed watching Beck get his teeth cleaned.
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Pops warned Sandy to go really fast and thankfully he did because Beck was ready to go after she used the metal scraper, after she buffed them and after she flossed his teeth.
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Then, Pops came in and checked them out and said his teeth look great.  Yeah!!!  I'm so proud of Beck and I think it is so special that Pops is able to take care of Beck and Kinsey's teeth.  What a treat!
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Kinsey and I got the chalk out and drew pictures in the driveway then I sat down and let her "fix" my hair.  I was also looking for the snake that I had seen yesterday.  I saw it before we went to Pops' office then I saw it again when we got back.  I couldn't find the shovel to kill it but Brent found a hoe and left it by the garage this morning.  I was ready to use it but I haven't seen the snake again.  Bummer!  I did enjoy getting my hair "fixed" and Kinsey would not let me take a picture of her face.  
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Tomorrow is a big day for Beck...pre-K graduation!!! 

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